Goode day dear reader. I hope this note finds you in goode health and grand spirits. This week has been gazette week for me ~ the week I take all of the ideas, recipes, writings, quotes, and images which have been forming in my head, for this particular issue, and create something solid with them. I typically "disappear" during this time as it takes over my days, needing concentration & focus to take the jumble of what is in my head and make it into something worth reading, timely, creative, and enjoyable (all of which I hope to accomplish with each issue). It also takes flexibility as often what I have in my head refuses to come together in the way in which I had in mind. Art ~ it does have a mind of its own. I create the gazette in a manner most would likely find quite old-fashioned. Building it like a scrapbook page..I start with a blank piece of paper then write my articles; stories, quotes, and recipes then begin cutting and pasting these onto the blank page along with my chosen graphics. Without a doubt, there are simpler, and more efficient ways of doing this but it works for me and I enjoy it. It is building something from various materials, much like my other artistic endeavors. This week a nasty spring cold has added to the "disappearing into my work" mode as once I "leave the studio for the day" at six, I find myself showering, putting on my pajamas, and falling into bed. At 6:00 the next morning, I force myself out of bed and find myself wanting to go back to bed while having my morning coffee. Spring colds....why must you be such a bother!!!
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Creating A Spark
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Goode day dear reader. I hope this note finds you in goode health and grand spirits. This week has been gazette week for me ~ the week I take all of the ideas, recipes, writings, quotes, and images which have been forming in my head, for this particular issue, and create something solid with them. I typically "disappear" during this time as it takes over my days, needing concentration & focus to take the jumble of what is in my head and make it into something worth reading, timely, creative, and enjoyable (all of which I hope to accomplish with each issue). It also takes flexibility as often what I have in my head refuses to come together in the way in which I had in mind. Art ~ it does have a mind of its own. I create the gazette in a manner most would likely find quite old-fashioned. Building it like a scrapbook page..I start with a blank piece of paper then write my articles; stories, quotes, and recipes then begin cutting and pasting these onto the blank page along with my chosen graphics. Without a doubt, there are simpler, and more efficient ways of doing this but it works for me and I enjoy it. It is building something from various materials, much like my other artistic endeavors. This week a nasty spring cold has added to the "disappearing into my work" mode as once I "leave the studio for the day" at six, I find myself showering, putting on my pajamas, and falling into bed. At 6:00 the next morning, I force myself out of bed and find myself wanting to go back to bed while having my morning coffee. Spring colds....why must you be such a bother!!!